Sturomski & Associates is dedicated to supporting educators and literacy providers in improving the lives of their students. By bringing a variety of skills and a wealth of experience to strategic program planning, program consulting, evaluation, training events, and workshops, Sturomski & Associates supports a major objective of adult education and literacy programs: helping all individuals—including those at-risk—experience success in their lives.
Various professional development training events have been and are provided at conferences and to states, government entities, and non-profit organizations. They include but are not limited to training on effective and efficient instructional techniques and strategies, mentoring, learning disabilities – definitions and issues, screening and assessment, reading instruction, self-esteem and social skill issues in adult education, transition skill needs and issues, and metacognitive skill development.
Extensive evaluation of educational programs, especially adult education programs, has been and can be provided. In addition, external evaluation of the successes and needed changes of awarded grant programs based on the goals and objectives set forth have been and can be provided.
Instructional Materials
Two easy to read booklets have been developed. These booklets provide instructors with information, lessons, activities, and resources to support their students. One is on Reading and the other on Advance Organizers. They are based on research and support the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) developed by the Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education. They also support the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. They promote basic and metacognitive skills that are needed in postsecondary educational environments and careers.
Power Points and Leader’s Guides—for each booklet—are also available. These materials can provide information to state trainers in support of their state educators.