This article reviews topics concerning the transition of students with learning disabilities into the work setting, including: the definition of learning disabilities, relevant federal legislation, the importance of transition planning, “best practices” in transition planning and programming, one’s ability to work with students who have learning disabilities, employment issues with suggested solutions, and transition issues within the workplace.... Read more information
Neil Sturomski – Mentor Teacher
When adult educators provide instruction, what is a critical aspect of learning they need to impart to adult learners with learning disabilities in adult education programs? Adult learners with learning disabilities are more likely to... Read more information
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities To Use Learning Strategies
Learning is the process of acquiring — and retaining — knowledge so it may be applied in life situations. Learning is not a passive process. As any teacher can attest, students are not vessels into... Read more information
The Teacher is a Star
From a 1996 National Institute for Literacy newsletter following my resignation after three years as the first Director of the National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center, a Center created and funded by the National Institute for Literacy.... Read more information